I've spent some time reviewing the current state of mod_ftp trunk, and believe 
we are essentially inter-operable with httpd 2.4 at last.  SNI poses some 
problems, but they are beyond the scope of a 'quck fix' - in an FTP 
conversation we might be looking at an SNI identifier on the command channel 
which is different than the SNI identifier on the data channel.  And the new 
HOST ftp rfc doesn't even address PORT/EPRT directives, which may reference a 
third server with yet another SNI identifier.  I think we are best off setting 
this aside for a bit until we consider all the implications.
In the meantime, the r->trailers patches broke mod_ftp.  While I've fixed that, 
it means that mod_ftp beta 0.9.6 no longer runs against either 2.4 nor 2.2 
anymore.  I'd like to propose we consider a 1.0.1 tarball for beta, if not GA.  
Or if numbering is the community's hangup, then perhaps call it 0.9.7.
I'm happy to T&R but would like to know upfront if there is anyone interested 
in looking at the state of trunk before tagging, and if we have sufficient 
reviewers to potentially vote up a release.
All thoughts and observations are welcome...

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