On 21 Dec 2014, at 13:48, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
> This patch implements the above.
> The idea is that the existing syntaxes remain unaltered (and can be 
> deprecated in future), while we introduce new Location syntaxes with a single 
> argument, like so:
> <Location /image>
>  Alias /ftp/pub/image
> </Location>
> <LocationMatch /error/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
>  Alias /usr/local/apache/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.html
> </LocationMatch>
> <Location /one>
>  Redirect permanent http://example.com/two
> </Location>
> <Location /three>
>  Redirect 303 http://example.com/other
> </Location>
> <LocationMatch /error/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
>  Redirect permanent http://example.com/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.html
> </LocationMatch>
> <Location /cgi-bin >
>  ScriptAlias /web/cgi-bin/
> </Location>
> <LocationMatch /cgi-bin/errors/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
>  ScriptAlias /web/cgi-bin/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.cgi
> </LocationMatch>

This might look odd, though:

<Location /gone>
 Redirect 410

…so how about adding one new directive e.g. ForceStatus:
<Location /gone>
 ForceStatus 410

Tim Bannister – is...@c8h10n4o2.org.uk

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