--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Re: Re: CVE-2013-5704 fix breaks 
From: "Graham Dumpleton" <grah...@apache.org>
Date: 1/12/15 11:34 pm
To: "dev@httpd.apache.org" <dev@httpd.apache.org>

 > But the damage has been done for some months on 2.2, and we are noticing 
 > this, now?   All distros still shipping Apache 2.2 still are using older 
 > mod_wsgi 3.X versions

Makes sense...

     which I don't at this point believe are affected by this issue. 

  And why not?
/* Create and populate our own request object. */
        apr_pool_create(&p, c->pool);     r = apr_pcalloc(p, 
     People who build stuff from source code themselves would be using latest 
Apache 2.4.
So the big hit on mod_wsgi will come with Apache 2.4.11.

 From securityspace, 2.08% are already on 2.2.29, .51% are on 2.4.10 (of those 
who do not partially or completely truncate the server name).
I don't see any hit, since these are users who *can* and *do* build stuff 
themselves, and will have little to no difficulty updating mod_wsgi, as 2.2 
users already needed to.

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