On 01/19/2015 11:40 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
> I noticed a hanging child process on our ASF server aurora.
> It currently uses 2.4.11 (plus the post tag commit) and event MPM.
> Most processes exiting due to MaxConnectionsPerChild get cleaned up after 
> some time but this one doesn't. It now hangs
> for more than an hour. I'll let it hang. In case anyone has a good question I 
> can answer with gdb let me know.
> It shows a strange connection view in the server status table:
> PID     Connections     Threads Async connections
> total   accepting       busy    idle    writing keep-alive      closing
> 93557   1       yes     0       0       0       0       0
> So it has 1 connection, but 0s in all other columns.
> The connection can be seen by lsof:
>  FD     TYPE             DEVICE   SIZE/OFF   NODE NAME
> txt     VREG     183,3400335528   36497117 275235 
> /x1/www/archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/cordova-3.4.0-src.zip
>   9u    PIPE 0xfffffe061ecfab60      16384        ->0xfffffe061ecfacb8
>  10u    PIPE 0xfffffe061ecfacb8          0        ->0xfffffe061ecfab60
>  24u  KQUEUE 0xfffffe033071be00                   count=0, state=0x2
>  41u    IPv4 0xfffffe01316243d0        0t0    TCP 
>  83u    IPv4 0xfffffe0255d08b70        0t0    TCP 
> 108u    IPv4 0xfffffe09990eeb70        0t0    TCP 
> This is the established connectioN:
> 110u    IPv4 0xfffffe0255ab4b70        0t0    TCP 
> And this is likely the file being served on that connection:
> 126r    VREG     183,3400335528   36497117 275235 
> /x1/www/archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/cordova-3.4.0-src.zip
> 156u    IPv4 0xfffffe048d0ff3d0        0t0    TCP 
> 229u    IPv4 0xfffffe0131d013d0        0t0    TCP 
> netstat shows:
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
> tcp4       0  87650 ESTABLISHED
> so there's 87650 bytes in the send-q. Most lilely the client hans't acked 
> what we send.

Isn't it weird that the connection remains in this state for an hour? I would 
guess the OS tries to resent whats in the
buffer and if doesn't get  ACK'ed it would somehow timeout the TCP connection 
and assume the peer is gone.



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