On Sat, 14 Feb 2015 10:45:34 -0600
Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net> wrote:

> Hi, Rich;
>    I dig it. I'm all for presenting and helping to make ApacheCon
> great but I won't be able to make it on day 1 since I'll probably be
> somewhere in the air over the Gulf of Mexico mid-day. If you are
> struggling for content, I can be convinced to take on the topic that
> I brought up earlier on the list
> (http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=141753066016122&w=2) or to
> jump in to help Bill with what he is working on (FWIW, I can't see
> http://events.linuxfoundation.org/cfp/proposals/4346, so I don't know
> what Bill has up his sleeve other than what was brought up in the
> context of this discussion).
>    Also, don't hesitate to reach out if I can help out with any of the
> regular or "extracurricular" activities during/after/around the
> conference.

What I've proposed are two talks;

One on using the Apache Configuration API; server and directory merges,
the cmd structure, built-in handlers and custom command handling.  That
alone eats a typical 50 minutes session with questions.

The other on current TLS features and behavior of httpd.  I was asked
at dev@community if this could be on 'all Apache servers' which really
should mean 'all Apache HTTP/TLS supporting projects', and I declined
to take up that mantle.  But I'm going to shoehorn in ATS and Tomcat
in the current feature support table of this presentation, with a bit
of help.

Wonder if there isn't enough interaction between Apache module devs that
we could start a BOF just on module authoring?  Certainly a general
httpd BOF would be good.

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