Due to ap_http_header_filter():

    /* This is a hack, but I can't find anyway around it.  The idea is that
     * we don't want to send out 0 Content-Lengths if it is a head request.
     * This happens when modules try to outsmart the server, and return
     * if they see a HEAD request.  Apache 1.3 handlers were supposed to
     * just return in that situation, and the core handled the HEAD.  In
     * 2.0, if a handler returns, then the core sends an EOS bucket down
     * the filter stack, and the content-length filter computes a C-L of
     * zero and that gets put in the headers, and we end up sending a
     * zero C-L to the client.  We can't just remove the C-L filter,
     * because well behaved 2.0 handlers will send their data down the stack,
     * and we will compute a real C-L for the head request. RBB
     * Allow modification of this behavior through the
     * HttpContentLengthHeadZero directive.
     * The default (unset) behavior is to squelch the C-L in this case.
    if (r->header_only
        && (clheader = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Content-Length"))
        && !strcmp(clheader, "0")
        && conf->http_cl_head_zero != AP_HTTP_CL_HEAD_ZERO_ENABLE) {
        apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Length");

I find this workaround a bit too much hacky because "Content-Length:
0" could be the real one for the corresponding GET request, either
given by a module or forwarded from a backend.

Hence how about removing this whole block (is there any module today
"outsmarting" httpd that cannot be considered as buggy?) or least
disable it for forwarded responses, eg:

Index: modules/http/http_filters.c
--- modules/http/http_filters.c    (revision 1676716)
+++ modules/http/http_filters.c    (working copy)
@@ -1292,6 +1292,7 @@ AP_CORE_DECLARE_NONSTD(apr_status_t) ap_http_heade
      * The default (unset) behavior is to squelch the C-L in this case.
     if (r->header_only
+        && !r->proxyreq
         && (clheader = apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Content-Length"))
         && !strcmp(clheader, "0")
         && conf->http_cl_head_zero != AP_HTTP_CL_HEAD_ZERO_ENABLE) {

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