On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 2:22 AM, Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think I would have preferred Jeff's form of the vote, which would
> have allowed us to know the potential "operating forces" on 2.2.x.

We determined from that poll that there were >3 committers who
would fix bugs on 2.2, so that discussion was already done.  Sadly
this was ignored by Noel deciding to 'pile on'.  I really hope nobody
piles on to anything other than their own interests in contributing
to this project.  That should be devoid of persons and personalities.

> Sure people like having their release maintained, for free is even
> better,

They like having their new releases for free even more-so.  What
inspired you to call out 'free' as in cash-in-lieu-of-beer?

> the investment is done either by the committers (for all
> living versions) or the users (upgrading).

No, it's not an either-or proposition.  Committers, for those who
aren't in a position to upgrade (and only those who maintain an
interest, e.g. those >3 who responded to Jeff's survey).  And the
users who are stuck in an update trajectory, for the time being,
or who have the freedom to upgrade (preferably, their entire host
or container OS).

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