On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net>

> P.S.
> I'm not a Member or PMC... do I have access to the report that spurred
> the conversation?

Adding the context back to the thread...

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> FWIW: It was this month's PMC status report which kind of
>       spurred this email.

Yes.  The Monthly Board of Directors meeting minutes do become public.
All of the following ASF documents are a matter of public record;


and you'll find the _Board Calendar and Minutes_ as the fifth link listed on
that page.  Following through to the minutes, as of this moment, minutes
are only current up to March, several months ago, but that is because they
are reviewed by any officer attending and all board board member for errors
and omissions before they are approved at a subsequent meeting.  So this
will be 1-90 days out of sync, occasionally longer.

As far as our report submitted to the board each quarter - and included in
the foundation board minutes, the last published already was Feb '15, so
the subsequent one is last month, May '15 and should show up in another
month or two.  In theory, it isn't our report until 1. it is submitted, the
2. considers and 3. accepts the report at their meeting (a few weeks ago),
and 4. accepts the minutes of their meeting as recorded :)

So I'll let Eric share what he submitted for May on our behalf, but here
is the submitted/accepted/recorded report of Feb '15 - it's awfully high
level, so I'm not sure that updating dev@ regularly with the contents
offers a whole lot of benefit.  Thoughts?

Attachment AL: Report from the Apache HTTP Server Project  [Eric Covener]

Project Description
The Apache HTTP Server Project develops and maintains an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.

Issues for the Board
There are no outstanding issues that require the board's attention.


  * 2.4.12 : Released on January 29, 2014

  Older branches last release:

    * 2.2.x:       2.2.29 released September 3 2014
    * 2.0.x(EOL)   2.0.65 released July 9, 2013

Bug Activity

  * 164 bugs worked on, 60 new, 71 closed/fixed


  * Yann Ylavic was added to the PMC.
  * Date of last new committer : October 2014 (Steve Hay)
  * Date of last new PMC member: February 2015 (Yann Ylavic)

  * Overall development activity continues to slow, with the focus on
    security fixes andthe maintenance of 2.4.x which is making its way
    into various httpd distributions.

  * Thanks to Rich Bowen for organizing a httpd/TS/Tomcat track for ACNA 2015.

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