It appears that STATUS has been effectively resolved on both branches, nothing significant that doesn't alter APIs/Directives in a significant way is ignored, and we seem to be at a stable point for a T&R. One nice patch from Eric could use a vote/backport, but it is anything but critical.
Jim, please let us know if you plan to tag 2.4.16 Thursday morning? Otherwise, I'll proceed to T&R in the early afternoon as I T&R 2.2.30 as well. With very sparse number of testers, I'm unwilling to wait for Friday, particularly since patch review has been particularly sparse in the community over the past month or few, and my own opportunity to review and vote on both candidates is limited by travel for a friend's wedding. Announcing these Monday - or Tuesday on the outside if there aren't sufficient votes over the weekend, seems like a good thing for our users. Bill