On 04 Oct 2015, at 12:46 PM, Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de> wrote:

>> But it must not be too complicated. We don't want an unreadable mess
>> like the sh/bash string manipulation functions.


> Yes, I agree. When starting to think closer, I noticed that the string mode 
> currently only supports a syntax that is pretty different from the boolean 
> mode and is much more limited. In that mode everything is a string except it 
> is marked via %{XXX}, in which case XXX is a variable name, except XXX is 
> AAA:BBB in which case it is AAA("BBB").
> So AFAIK we don't support functions with more than one argument in string 
> mode and my naive idea of using "STRING =~ s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/FLAGS" runs 
> into the problem, that we currently don't support operators like "=~" etc. in 
> string mode.
> So I wonder whether it would be useful to allow for a more general mode which 
> would depending on operators or functions handle the argument and result as 
> strings or booleans using auto conversion between them where needed. Of 
> course in that mode verbatim strings would need proper quoting (unlike pure 
> string mode in which everything by default is a verbatim string). We could 
> then even support
> For compatibility that generalized mode would probably need a mode 
> differentiator syntax for compatibility reasons in 2.4 but could be the 
> default mode in trunk. Something like your "%!" prefix.

How about a regex function?

The single argument could be “s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/FLAGS”.


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