With r1708107 I committed the following changes to /trunk:

- calling ap_switch_protocol directly after ap_select protocol from inside the 
SSL ALPN callback. Error in switching will result in a TLS error which seems 
correct. This makes sure that after the ALPN has been triggered, the protocol 
switch is in place.
- alpn_finished check in ssl_engine_io could be removed then. Less flags and 
#ifdefs overall...

- connection hook triggers handshake by reading in AP_MODE_INIT 0 bytes
- connection hook only every tries to do a blocking read if H2Direct is enabled 
and the connection is still on protocol "http/1.1"
- the default for H2Direct has been changed to "off" for all kinds of 
- documentation xml updated
- ht_task_input passes AP_MODE_INIT calls on to chained filters

I did not test the nntp case (can I? how?), but this should address the issue.

- The AP_MODE_INIT read should be done in a connection hook of mod_ssl itself. 
Other modules like mod_http2 should not care about that.
- With SNI, the selected virtual host really is a property of the connection. 
It would be good to get access to it from other modules *without* having a 

Thanks for all the good suggestiongs from Yann and Rüdiger!


> Am 12.10.2015 um 14:10 schrieb Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm>:
> On 11 Oct 2015, at 7:00 PM, Stefan Eissing <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> 
> wrote:
>> Ok, analyzed the code. Here is what seems to be happening:
>> - mod_http2, in the connection hook, does a blocking, speculative read to
>> a) make sure the ALPN has been triggered
> Looking at the code inside the event MPM that calls 
> ap_run_process_connection(), it looks like you can just do a non blocking 
> read, and if you haven’t received enough bytes, return DECLINED and expect to 
> be called again.
> This presupposes that other connection filters aren’t trying to be 
> excessively cleaver by stealing your connection away from you and then 
> responding to your data (for example by error-ing out), which they may do by 
> doing blocking reads.
> Regards,
> Graham
> —

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