Played around with the concept of master connections today.

I attached a patch that - I think - goes in the right direction. But others 
know mod_ssl better than me. Feedback welcome!

The basic changes:
1. conn_rec->master is NULL for HTTP/1.1 connections, but points to the "real" 
connection for HTTP/2 requests.
2. mod_ssl no longer initalizes any SSLConnRec* for slave connections 
(conn_rec->master != NULL)
3. lookup of ssl variables uses the master's sslconn->ssl if none is found on 
the connection itself
4. ssl_hook_Access() that checks renegotiation fails with a FORBIDDEN for a 
slave connection with a note for the reason.
   This should allow mod_http2 to generate the correct HTTP/2 stream error
5. ssl_hook_ReadReq() that checks for wrong host names now has an additional 
check for TLS compatiblity which compares
   protocol, cipher suite, certificate and key file/path names and verify mode 
of the request server against the
   handshake server. This compatibility is strict equality and not as 
sophisticated as the renegotiation checks.

With these changes, mod_http2 has less work for the slave connection setup and 
no longer needs to disable ssl for those. While mod_ssl continues to be 
ignorant of mod_http2, as the same restrictions would apply to any protocol 
with slave connections. With a minor bump in MMN we can have this in the next 


PS. There are more changes needed for mod_http2 as are in the patch. I did not 
want to make this too messy. The ssl changes are the relevant one...

Attachment: ssl-master-conn.patch
Description: Binary data


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