On 22 Oct 2015, at 5:55 PM, Stefan Eissing <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:

>> With the async filters this flow control is now made available to every 
>> filter in the ap_filter_setaside_brigade() function. When mod_http2 handles 
>> async filters you’ll get this flow control for free.
> No, it will not. The processing of responses is very different.
> Example: there is individual flow control of responses in HTTP/2. Clients do 
> small window sizes on images, like 64KB in order to get small images 
> completely or only the meta data of large ones. For these large files, the 
> client does not send flow-control updates until it has received all other
> resources it is interested in. *Then* it tells the server to go ahead and 
> send the rest of these images.
> This means a file bucket for such images will hang around for an indefinite 
> amount of time and a filter cannot say, "Oh, I have n file buckets queued, 
> let's block write them first before I accept more." The server cannot do that.

What you’re describing is a DoS.

A client can’t tie up resources for an arbitrary amount of time, the server 
needs to be under control of this. If a client wants part of a file, the server 
needs to open the file, send the part, then close the file and be done. If the 
client wants more, then the server opens up the file again, sends more, and 
then is done.

> I certainly do not want to reinvent the wheel here and I am very glad about 
> any existing solution and getting told how to use them. But please try to 
> understand the specific problems before saying "we must have already a 
> solution for that, go find it. you will see…"

The http2 code needs to fit in with the code that is already there, and most 
importantly it needs to ensure it doesn’t clash with the existing mechanisms. 
If an existing mechanism isn’t enough, it can be extended, but they must not be 

The mechanism in the core keeps track of the number of file buckets, in-memory 
buckets and requests “in flight”, and then blocks if this gets too high. Rather 
block and live to fight another day than try an open too many files and get 
spurious failures as you run out of file descriptors.

The async filters gives you the ap_filter_should_yield() function that will 
tell you if downstream is too full and you should hold off sending more data. 
For example, don’t accept another request if you’ve already got too many 
requests in flight.


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