On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Stefan Eissing
<stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:
> Most of this is discussed here: 
> https://httpwg.github.io/specs/rfc7540.html#HttpHeaders
> Basically HTTP/2 defines its own connection properties, so several things 
> which are announced/controlled
> by Connection: and other headers do not apply to HTTP/2 connections. So, the 
> "Connection:" header itself
> was obsoleted.
> mod_http2 has to translate between both worlds a bit and is doing so probably 
> incompletely so now, so
> the discussion about this is very useful.
> There are two conversions for mod_http2 to make:
> 1. request headers (H2 -> H1):
> 2. response headers (H1 -> H2):
> For 1. certain headers should not arrive at all. If they do, we can either 
> ignore or generate an error and deny the request. For example "Connection: 
> ..." should never arrive. Same for "Transfer-Encoding: ". The current 
> implementation ignores. One could argue for deny.
> For 2. certain headers we cannot send out and we need to take proper actions 
> for that. For example a "TE: deflate" we cannot process like this. Here more 
> checks need to be added.

OK, thanks for the explanation/pointer.

In rfc7540.html#rfc.section.8.1.2, looks like "TE: trailers" is still
meaningful, and "Trailer:" is also in the examples.
Should we ignore the trailers unless explicitely specified?

I really need to have a closer look at rfc7540...

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