On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Ruediger Pluem <rpl...@apache.org> wrote:
> In general this looks fine. We only run in trouble if something provided in 
> the Host header is longer then
> PROXY_WORKER_MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE (in case of ProxyPreserveHost on). Then we 
> loose the SNI hostname on these requests.
> Probably never happens, but could be fun to debug if it happens :-).
> So probably HUGE_STRING_LEN would be better, but a huge waste of stack 
> resources in most cases for sure.

It seems that RFC1035 limits host/DNS names to 255/253 (not clear if
it's for each or both when the host name is dotted with the domain
name), so I choose 512 (should be enough in any case including the
trailing \0) as the limit in r1732986...

Backport proposed in r1732988.

Thanks for the review,

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