This patch fixes a problem in mod_rewrite.  The following config with the
RewriteRule in per-directory context works fine for query strings:

    <Directory "/">
        RewriteEngine  On
        RewriteRule  ^foo  http://hostname/bar  [R=301,L]

But the same RewriteRule in per-server context doesn't work:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        RewriteEngine  On
        RewriteRule  ^/foo  http://hostname/bar  [R=301,L]

The second example leads to double URL-escaping of the query string:

    GET /foo?q=%25
    301 Moved Permanently
    Location: http://hostname/bar?q=%25%25

This is PR 50447 [1], and the issue was fixed for per-directory contexts in
r1044673 [2].  However, RewriteRules in server context are handled differently
in mod_rewrite, and their handling wasn't updated.  The attached patch applies
the same fix for such rules.  The second patch adds a regression test for the
issue in t/modules/rewrite.t.  Both of the patches are against trunk.


Evgeny Kotkov
mod_rewrite: Fix double escaping of the query string for RewriteRules in
server context.

See PR 50447 and r1044673 that fixed this for directory contexts.

Index: modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c
--- modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c       (revision 1735001)
+++ modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c       (working copy)
@@ -4548,6 +4548,7 @@ static int hook_uri2file(request_rec *r)
     unsigned int port;
     int rulestatus;
     void *skipdata;
+    const char *oargs;
      *  retrieve the config structures
@@ -4598,6 +4599,12 @@ static int hook_uri2file(request_rec *r)
+     *  remember the original query string for later check, since we don't
+     *  want to apply URL-escaping when no substitution has changed it.
+     */
+    oargs = r->args;
+    /*
      *  add the SCRIPT_URL variable to the env. this is a bit complicated
      *  due to the fact that apache uses subrequests and internal redirects
@@ -4731,11 +4738,21 @@ static int hook_uri2file(request_rec *r)
             /* append the QUERY_STRING part */
             if (r->args) {
+                char *escaped_args = NULL;
+                int noescape = (rulestatus == ACTION_NOESCAPE ||
+                                (oargs && !strcmp(r->args, oargs)));
                 r->filename = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, r->filename, "?",
-                                          (rulestatus == ACTION_NOESCAPE)
+                                          noescape
                                             ? r->args
-                                            : ap_escape_uri(r->pool, r->args),
+                                            : (escaped_args =
+                                               ap_escape_uri(r->pool, 
+                rewritelog((r, 1, NULL, "%s %s to query string for redirect 
+                            noescape ? "copying" : "escaping",
+                            r->args ,
+                            noescape ? "" : escaped_args));
             /* determine HTTP redirect response code */
mod_rewrite: Add regression tests for PR 50447 (double URL-escaping of
the query string).

Index: t/conf/
--- t/conf/        (revision 1735001)
+++ t/conf/        (working copy)
@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@
         ## Proxy and QSA
         RewriteRule ^proxy-qsa.html$ 
http://@SERVERNAME@:@PORT@/modules/cgi/ [QSA,L,P]
+        ## Redirect, directory context
+        RewriteRule ^redirect-dir.html$ http://@SERVERNAME@:@PORT@/foobar.html 
     ### Proxy pass-through to
@@ -243,6 +246,9 @@
     RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} horse=trigger
     RewriteRule ^/modules/rewrite/proxy3/(.*)$ 
http://@SERVERNAME@:@PORT@/modules/cgi/$1 [L,P]
+    ### Redirect, server context
+    RewriteRule ^/modules/rewrite/redirect.html$ 
http://@SERVERNAME@:@PORT@/foobar.html [L,R=301]
    <VirtualHost cve_2011_3368_rewrite>
       DocumentRoot @SERVERROOT@/htdocs/modules/proxy
       RewriteEngine On
Index: t/modules/rewrite.t
--- t/modules/rewrite.t (revision 1735001)
+++ t/modules/rewrite.t (working copy)
@@ -12,11 +12,20 @@ use Apache::TestUtil;
 my @map = qw(txt rnd prg); #dbm XXX: howto determine dbm support is available?
 my @num = qw(1 2 3 4 5 6);
 my @url = qw(forbidden gone perm temp);
-my @todo = ();
+my @todo;
 my $r;
-plan tests => @map * @num + 11, todo => \@todo, need_module 'rewrite';
+if (!have_min_apache_version('2.5')) {
+    # PR 50447, server context
+    push @todo, 26
+if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4')) {
+    # PR 50447, directory context (r1044673)
+    push @todo, 24
+plan tests => @map * @num + 15, todo => \@todo, need_module 'rewrite';
 foreach (@map) {
     foreach my $n (@num) {
         ## throw $_ into upper case just so we can test out internal
@@ -58,6 +67,19 @@ $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/qsa.html?baz=bee")
 chomp $r;
 ok t_cmp($r, qr/\nQUERY_STRING = foo=bar\&baz=bee\n/s, "query-string append 
+# PR 50447 (double URL-escaping of the query string)
+my $hostport = Apache::TestRequest::hostport();
+$r = GET("/modules/rewrite/redirect-dir.html?q=%25", redirect_ok => 0);
+ok t_cmp($r->code, 301, "per-dir redirect response code is OK");
+ok t_cmp($r->header("Location"), "http://$hostport/foobar.html?q=%25";,
+         "per-dir query-string escaping is OK");
+$r = GET("/modules/rewrite/redirect.html?q=%25", redirect_ok => 0);
+ok t_cmp($r->code, 301, "redirect response code is OK");
+ok t_cmp($r->header("Location"), "http://$hostport/foobar.html?q=%25";,
+         "query-string escaping is OK");
 if (have_module('mod_proxy')) {
     $r = GET_BODY("/modules/rewrite/proxy.html");
     chomp $r;

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