On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 6:31 PM, Jacob Champion <champio...@gmail.com>

> On 03/22/2016 03:11 PM, Jeff Trawick wrote:
> > What version of nghttp2 are you using?
> > Are you using the cmake build for httpd?
> I'm not currently in Windows to be able to check for sure, but I
> *believe* I'm running nghttp2 1.8.0.
> > FWIW I just found that I needed nghttp2 >= 1.4.0 on Windows to fix bad
> > linkage in nghttp2 functions that mod_http2 didn't use when I built
> > before.  (not related to cmake)
> >
> > After resolving that I now see a bunch of unresolved symbols with
> > mod_proxy_http2.  From the number of symbols and the type there seems to
> > be a couple of issues in the httpd CMakeLists.txt file.  I can hopefully
> > look at that early tomorrow a.m.
> The CMake/mod_proxy_http2 stuff came up before [1]. I didn't hear back
> from Bill on how his CMake port was going, but I ended up working on one
> in parallel:
>     https://github.com/jchampio/httpd/commits/dev/cmake-http2
> Caveat: I haven't taken a look at that patchset in three weeks, or tried
> to rebase onto latest. I hope it's still potentially useful for you?
> --Jacob
> [1]
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox//httpd-dev/201602.mbox/%3CCAGu%3Du8gSex0%2B4KXfmy_rYCdcB-_TOfb-aZ1%3DrhBihYePx%3D8Tug%40mail.gmail.com%3E

Yes, that's useful.  In the short term it makes it easy to tell that
mod_proxy_http2 simply does not build/run on Windows at all and needs to be
yanked out of the CMake build for 2.4.x until it does, since it breaks the

I hope that I or someone else has time to work through your fixes before

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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