Hi Apache devs!

While browsing the Apache website I came across this interesting service
offered by the ASF: https://ci.apache.org/buildbot.html
The list of features seems great and several projects are already using it,
including APR, httpd-doxygen and the httpd staging website (
https://ci.apache.org/builders). It could be used as support tool to help
developers while testing commits on multiple platforms (of course without
aiming to replace manual "human" testing from our community).

I have observed the dev@ mailing list for a bit and I can see a strong
development process so this idea might be totally useless, but in case you
like it let me know your thoughts and I'll start taking a look to the work
needed to set up a basic testing automation (with the help of the infra
team, trying to free them as much as possible from configuration details).

There are pros and cons of having an automation like this one, for example
having excessive spurious spam/headaches due build failures, so the first
step would only be to try it and see if it brings value to the project.




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