On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Daniel Lescohier
> <daniel.lescoh...@cbsi.com> wrote:
>> Isn't T_ESCAPE_LOGITEM also used by mod_log_config's use of
>> ap_escape_logitem?  We rely on the API that data from HTTP requests that are
>> logged in our mod_log_config logfiles are newline-escaped, so that one line
>> in the logfile is parsed as one log entry.  Our parsers first split on
>> newline to get records, then splits the fields of the record on the field
>> delimiter to get fields, then it unescapes the backslash-escapes to get the
>> original data for that field.
> You make a good point, it couldn't change and affect current callers
> of ap_escape_logitem().

IMHO, even ErrorLog shouldn't contain splitted lines (w/o "[date]
[level] [pid]" prefix).

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