On 05/31/2016 06:37 PM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
> It seems the behavior introduced in 2.4.5 is causing a lot 
> of confusion for users attempting to disable peer checking.
> Right now, nothing needs to be done to do deep inspection 
> (altsubjectname plus common name).  Neither directive is
> required, both default to on.
> Disabling checking is a pain in the ass, and the docs seem
> to be very misleading;
>     SSLProxyCheckPeerName Directive
> Default: <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/directive-dict.html#Default>   
> |SSLProxyCheckPeerName on
> |
> This directive configures host name checking for server certificates when 
> mod_ssl is acting as an SSL client. The check
> will succeed if the host name from the request URI is found in either the 
> subjectAltName extension or (one of) the CN
> attribute(s) in the certificate's subject. If the check fails, the SSL 
> request is aborted and a 502 status code (Bad
> Gateway) is returned. The directive supersedes |SSLProxyCheckPeerCN
> <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslproxycheckpeercn>|, 
> which only checks for the expected host name
> in the first CN attribute.
>     SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Directive
> Default: <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/directive-dict.html#Default>   
> |SSLProxyCheckPeerCN on|
> This directive sets whether the remote server certificate's CN field is 
> compared against the hostname of the request
> URL. If both are not equal a 502 status code (Bad Gateway) is sent.
> In 2.4.5 and later, SSLProxyCheckPeerCN has been superseded by 
> |SSLProxyCheckPeerName
> <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslproxycheckpeername>|, 
> and its setting is only taken into account
> when |SSLProxyCheckPeerName off| is specified at the same time.
> So under CheckPeerName, we *claim* that the directive *supersedes* the 
> CheckPeerCN - but taking the only action you can
> with CheckPeerName (turning it off) falls right back into the trap of 
> CheckPeerCN, which *must* be *seperately*
> disabled. This behavior sucks.
> I would suggest that CheckPeerCN should NOT default to "on" any longer. The 
> only valid use case is for the user to
> actively disable CheckPeerName (off), and has still wishes to actively enable 
> CheckPeerCN (on).
> But we will need to improve this horrible CheckPeerName documentation for 
> users of 2.4.5 through 2.4.20, even if we
> change the behavior.
> Thoughts?

As I felt into this trap a couple of days ago on my own a wholeheartedly +1.



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