On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 06:39:46AM -0400, Rich Bowen wrote:
> In troubleshooting something with dbmmanage, I came across this:
> http://marc.info/?l=fedora-extras-commits&m=137148193030744&w=2
> I'm sure there's more context here that I haven't unearthed yet, but
> does anyone (Joe?) happen to remember what the comment "zombie
> dbmmanage" means here? Is dbmmanage deprecated in some way that we
> should reflect in the docs?

With ht*dbm we know for certain the tool can use exactly the same set of 
DB libraries as mod_auth*_dbm - the same was never true for dbmmanage, 
which used whatever was available to Perl.  I suspect dbmmanage was the 
last thing creating a dependency from the httpd package to Perl as well.

We dropped dbmmanage from our packages a very long time ago, I think 
possibly even when upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0.  RHEL3's httpd 2.0 
packages don't have dbmmanage, from a quick check.

When updating to 2.4 a bunch of scripts moved from sbindir to bindir, 
which fooled the spec file, dbmmanage came back to life and was 
unintenionally - and briefly - shipped in the Fedora RPMs again.  Hence 
the zombie killing comment!

> dbmmanage has some functionality that is lacking in htdbm - in
> particular, the ability to import a plain text htpasswd style password
> file. However, the script httxt2dbm fills that need, which is presumably
> (usually) a one-time thing, rather than ongoing maintenance, so that's ok.

Right, we ship that too.  I don't recall dropping dbmmanage being 

Regards, Joe

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