I configured form authentication with mod_auth_form, mod_session_cookie and mod_session_crypto in Apache 2.4.20 on Debian unstable and get random AH01842 errors ("decrypt session failed, wrong passphrase"). The passphrase was not changed when this happens.

It looks like the error occurs when the following conditions are met:

* mpm_worker enabled (never experienced the error with mpm_prefork)
* Same user doing multiple requests in parallel using the same session (don't see the error when the user is doing only sequential requests)

I already added some debug logging to check the passphrase and it's always the same for both encryption and decryption when the error occurs.

To reproduce the error I wrote a Perl script that logs in and then requests a protected page in an endless loop and start the script multiple times. It still can take quite some time for the error to occur, but it's the best I came up with for easy reproduction. In cases reported "from the field" with real users, real browsers and real Web applications the error occurs much more frequently.

Does anyone want to look into this? I can give more information about a test setup and the Perl script if that's the case. Any help would be really appreciated.

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