
I'm trying to fix bug https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60330 
<https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60330> but I really do not know 
what I am doing. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23418645/ 
<http://paste.ubuntu.com/23418645/> this is what I have so far and it does not 
behave as expected. Somehow the headers going to the backend are garbled 
repeated. I do not understand. I did not think that I changed that.

My approach was to not read the client request body in ap_proxy_http_request if 
the client request headers included Expect: 100-continue. Then, in 
ap_proxy_http_process_response when it is detected that the backend sends the 
interim reponse, stream the client request body to the backend.

I am lacking in my understand about bucket_brigades and input_filters. It is 
preventing me from achieving my goal. Can anyone help?


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