On Fri, 2016-11-11 at 08:53 +0000, Nick Kew wrote:
> On Fri, 2016-11-11 at 08:24 +0000, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:
> > 
> > Is this list still active?
> > Maybe it was not the right place to ask about mod_ftp?
> I guess noone picked up the baton.  Too many blanks to fill.
> Did you build mod_ftp yourself on a distro-provided httpd?
Yes. I did build myself from the latest svn.
I installed:
httpd-devel-2.4.6-40.sl7.4.x86_64 from Scientific Linux 7
httpd-devel-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.4.x86_64 on centOS7
(so, the same, essentially), as well as the "Development Tools" group.

> What toolchain did you use for that?
> What happens if you build everything yourself,
I'd rather focus on trying to get it to work on the distro provided
apache for this week (I already have some services neatly set there).
(I'll append here if I can clear some time to try later this month.)

> or alternatively use everything from the distro?
> Where's the traceback from your segfault?
Can you help me with this? I guess I should run gdb and attach the
correct process, but how do I set the debug flags?

Thank you very much,


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