On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Nick Kew <n...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2016-11-30 at 12:54 -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> > I'm thinking about adding JSON support to mod_status...
> > the "plain" version output really stinks and lacks parity
> > w/ the info we provide via HTML, and it would be nice
> > to produce a really easily parseable format.
> >
> > Thoughts...?
> Ideally that should be the job of an output filter.
> If mod_status were to generate a single standard-ish
> format, like JSON or XML, a general-purpose filter
> could generate other formats.

The underlying flaw is our extensible status page output.

There's no way to anticipate the "right way" to map json
tables to presentation-level results. And modules may
express multiple tables. See the ssl session cache for
one good example, a simply key-value table of some of
the current metrics, and a longer table for data.

So there either needs to be an extensible data engine as
Aaron created, with each status module choosing how to
represent it's component data, or mod_status needs two
custom hooks, one chain for presentation data and one
chain for json data. Existing mod_status extentions in
modules only register the presentation hook, so they
would not be invoked on a json query.

mod_bmx avoids this quandary by placing a different
generator for json queries complete with filtering.

Based on the interest expressed on this thread, I'm
happy to put mod_bmx up for a vote tomorrow after
letting this thread run for a bit.

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