> On Dec 1, 2016, at 12:53 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> Finally the query fn in mod_bmx_status performs the callback indicated
> through its invocation to unspool the data in presentation format, which
> lives back in mod_bmx and behaves identically for every bmx extension.
> Adding the properties by type takes all of the onus off of each extension
> to know how to represent them once stored. E.g. our query_hook function
> can be as simple as;
>     /* create the bean */
>     bmx_bean_create(&bmx_status_bean, bmx_status_objectname, r->pool);
>     bmx_bean_prop_add(bmx_status_bean,
>         bmx_property_string_create("ServerName",
>                                    ap_get_server_name(r),
>                                    r->pool));    print_bean_fn(r, 
> bmx_status_bean);

OK, this is the point I have the question about. From what
I can see, mod_bmx_status creates bmx_status_bean, adds stuff
to it, and then prints it out.

But how does it get access to, for example, the beans created and
populated in mod_bmx_vhost? I understand that if you KNOW what
beans you are looking for, you can query them via mod_bmx, but
how do you know what beans have been added.

Right now, for example, we have a simple hook that mod_socache_redis
(for example) hooks into and once mod_status is done, it loops
through all registered hooks. But I don't see any similar type of
functionality in mod_bmx_status which allows mod_bmx_status to
reproduce the full status information that mod_status currently

So yeah, other modules create their beans. Fine. But how
do those beans get "registered" in mod_bmx_status so that they
can actually be displayed?

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