To your questions of history;

On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Jacob Champion <> wrote:
> 3) mod_apreq2
> 1000 lines, added in 2011, no meaningful code changes since addition, no
> tests, no documented public release of libapreq2 since 2010. (It does have
> public documentation. And it seems like there's history here I don't
> understand. Maybe it lives somewhere else and was being folded into httpd?)

Yes, this comes from the Apache Perl (mod_perl) project (also
Apache::Test which they still maintain and release.) As does the Win32
flavor of apxs.

> So, there's 3k of the 20k. And remember, my point was that we can fix what I
> call "dead code" with good old fashioned legwork. I don't advocate trashing
> trunk, and I don't think having "dead code" is a disaster or a stain on
> anyone here. I just don't think it's appropriate to spin up an RC from trunk
> as-is.

Historically, e.g. between 2.0 and 2.2, we have had a series of public
alphas followed by betas labeled 2.1.x-alpha (and -beta), until it was
clean enough to go GA as 2.2.0.

I doubt anyone is thinking of going straight to any 2.6 or 3.0 release
without a series of 2.5-alpha/beta releases. We especially considered
third party module authors when we moved to that schema, so that they
would have the opportunity to adjust for any API or behavior changes
long before a GA announcement, including a feedback loop to ask us to
improve that API for their consumption. Few seem to have taken us up
on that opportunity, but we can always hope for more participation the
next cycle.

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