On 01/18/2017 03:19 PM, Luca Toscano wrote:
> 2017-01-18 10:56 GMT+01:00 Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org
> <mailto:humbed...@apache.org>>:
>     On 01/17/2017 07:33 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>     > It all depends on what Bill decides regarding mod_bmx and if
>     > it is something we intent to backport to 2.4.x
>     >
>     > Still not sure on how to *use* BMX, or how other modules
>     > "hook in" (right now we have several modules hook into
>     > mod_status so the "how" is well known and documented), so
>     > I would require some sort of docs in addition to the actual
>     > code, of course.
>     Some JFDI in the meantime; https://httpd.apache.org/server-status
>     <https://httpd.apache.org/server-status> :)
>     JSON: http://httpd.apache.org/server-status?view=json_status
>     <http://httpd.apache.org/server-status?view=json_status>
> Really nice work! I'd really like to see (if the author agrees :P) some
> mod_lua scripts shipped with the httpd release and referenced in our
> documentation. 

Hey, it's ALv2, always has been - if we wanna ship it, so be it :)
It's at https://github.com/Humbedooh/server-status at the moment, and
needs a tiny bit of cleanup if it's to be shipped.

With regards,

> Luca

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