William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> writes:

> My open questions; has this been entirely reviewed in conjunction with h2?
> Will A-E: br,gzip,deflate axe all others from that list when deciding to
> enable brotli? (I presume not-yet.) Will gzip filter work where A-E: gzip was
> given without br, or are we ceasing to encode half of the web if the user
> elects to serve brotli compression?

Hi William,

Answering some of the questions:

1) I did test mod_brotli in conjunction with mod_http2 around the time it
   was committed.  As far as I remember, I didn't spot anything unusual
   or any issues.

2) The brotli and deflate output filters can coexist.

   Moreover, mod_brotli was written with a particular use case in mind
   where this module is added to an existing mod_deflate installation,
   and results in sending brotli-encoded data only to the clients that
   advertise they know how to deal with it via "Accept-Encoding: br".

   "Accept-Encoding: br, gzip, deflate" is not going to double-encode
   the data, as both mod_brotli and mod_deflate are smart enough to only
   kick in for identity Content-Encoding.  "Accept-Encoding: gzip" is going
   to use only the mod_deflate's filter, and mod_brotli will remove itself
   from the chain, after not finding "br" in the Accept-Encoding.

   There are a couple of tests from https://svn.apache.org/r1761716 that
   verify this behavior.  (However, I think that right now there is no
   explicit test for the case of sending "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"
   to a location with both mod_brotli and mod_deflate.)

Evgeny Kotkov

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