On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Joe Orton <jor...@redhat.com> wrote:
> FYI, since I've seen people thinking seriously about test suites, this
> kind of issue is impossible to test comprehensively with the current
> test framework. We really need to spin up httpd multiple times with
> different configurations, to test different combinations of global to
> vhost merges with default vs non-default options.
> (If there is some way to do that with the current test suite, I'd be
> interested to hear anyway.)

The headache is that testing anything more complex than loopback
implies you kick off a remote with -server and then pound on that
remote it from the client/framework.

Perhaps if we spun up parallel instances in the same port-ordered
manner, but those instances were truly distinct configs? (These need
distinct var/ directories/pid files etc, of course.)

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