On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Jacob Champion <champio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/22/2017 02:16 PM, Niklas Edmundsson wrote:
> I don't think s_server is particularly optimized for performance anyway.
> Oh, and just to complete my local testing table:
> - test server, writing from memory: 1.2 GiB/s
> - test server, mmap() from disk: 1.1 GiB/s
> - test server, 64K read()s from disk: 1.0 GiB/s
> - httpd trunk with `EnableMMAP on` and serving from disk: 850 MiB/s
> - httpd trunk with 'EnableMMAP off': 580 MiB/s
> - httpd trunk with my no-mmap-64K-block file bucket: 810 MiB/s
> My test server's read() implementation is a really naive "block on read,
> then block on write, repeat" loop, so there's probably some improvement to
> be had there, but this is enough proof in my mind that there are major gains
> to be made regardless.

Does no-mmap-2MB-block beats MMap on?

>> Going off on a tangent here:
>> For those of you who actually know how the ssl stuff really works, is it
>> possible to get multiple threads involved in doing the encryption, or do
>> you need the results from the previous block in order to do the next
>> one?
> I'm not a cryptographer, but I think how parallelizable it is depends on the
> ciphersuite in use. Like you say, some ciphersuites require one block to be
> fed into the next as an input; others don't.

Yes, and the cost of scheduling threads for non dedicated cypto device
is not worth it I think.
But mainly there is not only one stream involved in a typical HTTP
server, so probably multiple simulteneous connections already saturate
the AES-NI...

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