> On Aug 7, 2018, at 11:21 AM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> Specific regressions as requested by Jim, posted on users@ and dev@
> which are showstoppers to upgrading for some;
> - Non-HTTP responses from mod_ratelimit with delayed content (cgi, proxy)
>   * Breaking regression for module users (from sporadic to consistent)
>   * Fixed by elukey and ylavic
> - SSLOCSP directives breakage
>   * Broke some configs due to inheritance - fixed by Jeff & Frank
> - proxy_balancer apr_escape.h dependence on APR 1.5
>   * Fixed by Joe to allow APR 1.4 legacy linkage
> - lbmethod linkage
>   * Fatal on Win32, load ordering issue on some linux configs
>   * Patch does not appear yet on 2.4.x branch?

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