FYI, 2.4.35 version has been added to bz.


Le 21/09/2018 à 14:31, Daniel Ruggeri a écrit :
Hi, all;

    I am delighted to share that the vote to release Apache httpd-2.4.35
has PASSED. The following votes were recorded:

Binding +1:
minfrin, icing, jorton, gsmith, steffenal, covener, jailletc36, ylavic,
rjung, druggeri, wroewe

Community +1:
Noel Butler

I'd like to add that, as an RM, I am VERY pleased that we received 12
votes in only 3.5 days. I thank you for all the time you've put into
this project and into testing this release.

ANNOUNCE text will be updated a bit later today (with a note about
OpenSSL and upcoming TLS 1.3) and I've kicked off the dist sync process.

I will also plan to RM a followup release as promised now that the TLS
1.3 change has been merged... but let's give that a few weeks for other
features to make it into 2.4.x :-)

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