On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 02:50:17PM -0700, Brad Warren wrote:
> * httpd 2.4.18 (from Ubuntu 16.04)
> * httpd 2.4.25 (from Debian 9)
> * httpd 2.4.39 (from Amazon Linux 2)
> They were presumably using the version of OpenSSL available in those 
> distributions as well although I haven’t been able to verify that yet.
> The affected clients and their error messages were:
> * Wget: OpenSSL: error:1408E0F4:SSL routines:ssl3_get_message:unexpected 
> message

I'm not aware of an issue like this, it might be a config which does not 
get widely tested.

Trying "SSLSessionTickets off" on Fedora 30 (httpd 2.4.39 + openssl 
1.1.1c) seems to work fine with TLSv1.1 thru v1.3 selected client side 
(w/same OpenSSL).

Can we get full mod_ssl configuration info, OpenSSL version and ideally 
the associated ssl_error_log output?

Regards, Joe

> Clients that were reported to be unaffected were:
> * OpenSSL s_client
> * Safari
> Curl was affected for some users, but not others. One report of a failure 
> with curl provided the output below from which I removed their domain and IP:
> $ curl -v https://example.com
> * Rebuilt URL to: https://example.com/
> *   Trying
> * TCP_NODELAY set 
> * Connected to example.com ( port 443 (#0)
> * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with example.com port 443 (step 1/3)
> * schannel: checking server certificate revocation
> * schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 172 bytes...
> * schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 172 bytes
> * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with example.com port 443 (step 2/3)
> * schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
> * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with example.com port 443 (step 2/3)
> * schannel: encrypted data got 2960
> * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 2960 length 4096
> * schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 126 bytes...
> * schannel: SSL/TLS connection with example.com port 443 (step 2/3)
> * schannel: encrypted data got 258 
> * schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 258 length 4096
> * schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE 
> (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is 
> received (e.g. handshake failed). More detail may be available in the Windows 
> System event log.
> * Closing connection 0
> * schannel: shutting down SSL/TLS connection with example.com port 443 
> * schannel: clear security context handle
> curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: 
> SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal 
> SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed). More detail may be 
> available in the Windows System event log.
> Any ideas about what is going on here? So far we have been unable to even 
> reproduce the problem.
> Thanks for any help,
> Brad Warren
> Senior Staff Technologist
> Electronic Frontier Foundation

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