> On 17 Dec 2019, at 17:46, Stéphane Blondon <stephane.blon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I fail to compile apache2 from trunk on Debian testing.

I take it you have a good reason to want that rather than a packaged version
such as Debian's?

What did buildconf tell you?

> According to the INSTALL file, I check outed `apr` trunk in
> srclib/apr. After adding several lacking packages, it seems
> ./configure is ok. (The full output is in attachment.)

Attachment TLDR.  Was that apr configure or httpd configure?

> $ ./configure --prefix=/home/stephane/bin/http --with-included-apr

Not something I'd try with a non-release version.  Decide what apr you
want (either trunk or 1.x should work), install that first, then use that to
build your httpd.

Nick Kew

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