I've been playing with UBSan[1] which catches undefined behaviour, found a 
couple of interesting things so far.

One is with event, I messed with the line numbers but the error is:

event.c:3620:13: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is 
declared to never be null

from the memcpy() in this code: 

        new_ptr = (int *)apr_palloc(ap_pglobal, new_max * sizeof(int));
        memcpy(new_ptr, retained->idle_spawn_rate,
               retained->mpm->num_buckets * sizeof(int));
        retained->idle_spawn_rate = new_ptr;
        retained->mpm->max_buckets = new_max;

At startup it seems retained->idle_spawn_rate is NULL, and you can't 
(shouldn't?!) memcpy() from NULL.  I am not sure what the right fix is 
here, is that array supposed to be initialized to something other than 
zero here, or somewhere else?  Not obvious if the loop below will 
initialize it properly:


Is something like this correct?  (also this could use apr_pmemdup rather 
than palloc+memcpy now I think about it)

--- a/server/mpm/event/event.c
+++ b/server/mpm/event/event.c
@@ -3615,9 +3615,15 @@ static int event_open_logs(apr_pool_t * p, apr_pool_t * 
         if (new_max < num_buckets) {
             new_max = num_buckets;
-        new_ptr = (int *)apr_palloc(ap_pglobal, new_max * sizeof(int));
-        memcpy(new_ptr, retained->idle_spawn_rate,
-               retained->mpm->num_buckets * sizeof(int));
+        if (retained->idle_spawn_rate) {
+            new_ptr = (int *)apr_palloc(ap_pglobal, new_max * sizeof(int));
+            memcpy(new_ptr, retained->idle_spawn_rate,
+                   retained->mpm->num_buckets * sizeof(int));
+        }
+        else {
+            /* ### should initialize array to something other than 0?? */
+            new_ptr = apr_pcalloc(ap_pglobal, new_max * sizeof(int));
+        }
         retained->idle_spawn_rate = new_ptr;
         retained->mpm->max_buckets = new_max;

[1] https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html

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