Am 23.03.2020 um 16:56 schrieb Joe Orton:
On Sat, Feb 08, 2020 at 12:01:29PM +0100, Luca Toscano wrote:
Hi everybody,

Travis is able to read commit messages and skip the CI workflow if the
"[skip ci]" magic sequence is added somewhere. I keep forgetting about
it too, but it would be nice if we could start using it to avoid using
CI resources/workers when not needed (like docs changes, entries in
STATUS, etc..). I didn't find a way to instruct Travis to avoid
triggering a build if only certain file types are committed, so the
only solution for the moment is to manually add the aforementioned
sequence :(

It is not a big deal to trigger builds even for docs etc.., but the
ASF resources/workers are limited (and shared among projects IIUC) so
I am only suggesting to be good neighbors :) If this is totally insane
or unacceptable I'll back off and stop vouching for it I promise!

I found a new option here while playing with conditionals, we can skip
an entire build based on the commit message, it appears -

so this could catch a lot of the quite pointless Travis runs for STATUS
changes by filtering by commit message, something like...

if: (branch != "2.4.x" and commit_message !~ /^[Tt]ransforms$/) or
     (branch = "2.4.x" and commit_message !~ 

anything else??

Since I forgot the [skip ci] today, I too a little time to inspect svn log for STATUS and arrived at the following, probably not maintainable regexp (perl notation) for 2.4.x:

/^i?(\* ?)?([0-9] *)?([sS]ome +|[mM]ore +|[aA]dd( a)? +|[eE]asy +|[qQ]uick +|[sS]mall +|[uU]pdate( after)? +)?([bB]ackport(ed)? +)?([pP]ropos(e|als?),?( *((and)?|\/|\+) *([vV]ote)?)?|[vV]otes?,?( *((and)?|\/|\+) *([pP]ropos(e|als?)|[pP]romot(e|ion)s?|[cC]omments?))?|[pP]romot(e|ion)s?|[cC]omment|[nN]ote|[dD]one|[mM]erged|[cC]ommitted|[bB]ackport(ed)?)[\.:!]?( *\[skip ci\])?$/

It is roughly like yours, but allows a few prefixes and suffixes around the magic words plus a few more of them and some frequent combinations.



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