Tried revision 1877505.

libhttpd :
miss in trunk modules\http\http_etag.c. Moved the one from Branches to include, libhttpd builds then, is that ok ?

mod_cache :
#include "test_char.h" not found. Copied the generated server/test_char.h to /include, mod_cache builds then, is that ok ?

htdbm and htpasswd :
support\passwd_common.h(31,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ap_config_auto.h': No such file or directory.

mod_ssl :
ssl_engine_io.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _ap_filter_adopt_brigade referenced in function _char_buffer_insert

Looks like all the errors are related to changes in/after 2018. In 2018 I build it without errors.

Did not build all yet and only Win32 VS16, so maybe more to come.


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