On 12 Dec 2020, at 01:59, Roy T. Fielding <field...@gbiv.com> wrote:

> That is too many questions. The purpose of the cache requirement is so that 
> the cache
> does not deliver a non-validated entry after receiving a failed validation. 
> It doesn't really
> matter what code is returned so long as it is 5xx, so the specs are 
> over-constraining here.
> The CoAdvisor test suite is overly pedantic.
> And, as stated, this only applies when the request contains max-revalidate 
> and the
> action being done is a cache revalidation. No other code should behave this 
> way.

To clarify, the change under discussion covers behaviour when a proxy of any 
kind (including an ftp proxy) suffers a low level network error of any kind, 
from DNS errors to low level network errors.

Whether ultimately correct or not, CoAdvisor was very specific as to the codes 
to be returned in these cases.

> Reverting the change is the correct call, regardless, but it is also the 
> right choice.
> I have filed a bug on the Cache spec to change that MUST send 504 to a MUST 
> send 5xx.
>    https://github.com/httpwg/http-core/issues/608 
> <https://github.com/httpwg/http-core/issues/608>
> If you think we need to change other things in the specs, please file bugs 
> now.

The above issue relates to must-revalidate only, while the wider issue is for 
which 5xx error to be returned in which situation. Can you clarify?

The patch in this thread covers each case, and basically boils down to a choice 
between “Bad Gateway” or “Timed Out”.

Given the long list here http://coad.measurement-factory.com/clients.html I 
would be keen to make sure httpd worked the same way as all those other servers.


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