On 5/10/21 10:06 AM, Stefan Eissing wrote:
> Team, me is confused about the status of CHANGES and changes-entries. Could 
> we clarify for everyone how things are supposed to work now?
> There was some back and forth in the past, the README.CHANGES says both are 
> valid and on backport proposals people seem to prefer the entries (which I 
> agree with).
> Just a clear "this is how we do this from now on" from our chair would be 
> appreciated. Thanks!

I think we should find a consensus here as a group. I proposed the 
changes-entries setup and I think that it has benefits. But I
wanted to give people time to get used to it and wanted to be sure that the 
setup does not contain bugs I haven't caught or
thought of. In addition I as an individual of this group cannot tell people how 
they should do things. I can only propose
approaches and hopefully the majority finds them beneficial and we as a whole 
decide to use them.

My personal opinion is +1 to use the change-entries approach.



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