On 10/10/2021 11:07, Eric Covener wrote:

I'm talking about removing it from the default configuration file and marking it as deprecated. I don't see a negative impact to users with their own configuration (not changed) or users with our default configuration (since the alternative does the same thing aside from unexpected results where the same Location is mapped to a file in an unintended location)

This is how every person expects it.

So you want to go make that more convoluted?

I don't think Alias + "SetHandler cgi-script" in the default configuration is any more convoluted, given there's already a corresponding Directory section.
You could even argue it's conceptually simpler.

OK... I must be missing something here or interpreting what you are suggesting, well, it is Sunday morning...

You want to nuke ScriptAlias which itself is not used in a <directory> (not that I've ever seen, and a quick google for 15 mins or so shows all these how to configure isp web servers blogs, and none of them seem to either)

Then how do you propose those using it, as lets say in my example, set the cgi directory for that vhost? Which could be any name, in any location depending on how said shared host servers are setup, I use /var/www/vhost/domain/www/cgi-bin but previous employers have used /var/www/domain/cgi or /www/domains/cgi-bin and /vhosts/substr0 domain/substr1 domain/domain/cgi-bin ...

We all run it differently, there is no hard set in stone locations for a virtual hosts docroot or scriptalias, it is dangerous to deprecate it, since that essentially implies its gone.

ScriptAlias's purpose is to say hey httpd, our https://domain/cgi-bin/ directory is really here on the filesystem at /var/www/cgi-bin/

Its simple and works for decades, if you feel its not sure and needs replacing with other commands, the code for other commands should be internally called by ScriptAlias directive

Noel Butler

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