In addition to a broken release of brotli (where enc/dec don't specify
even on trunk, for openssl and other consumers to ferret out that binding), and
lots of fun changes to build flags in curl 7.81 minor release (who does that?)
there appears to be one test failure with date formatting in httpd 2.4.x branch
(including release 2.4.52) and apr 1.7.x branch (including release 1.7.0);

t/modules/include.t ................. 56/98 # Failed test 64 in
t/modules/include.t at line 373

Have not had time to investigate whether this is a change in perl behavior, or
possibly a regression caused by apr datetime handling in 1.7.x itself., but any
release apr-side should hold off just a bit to resolve this question.

And there's the issue of pcre 8.x sources no longer available for download from While they still exist, there's already been one
security release that
ignored pcre 8.x considerations, so pcre 10.x obviously can't wait for httpd
release from trunk.

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