On Fri, Dec 02, 2022 at 03:17:05PM +0000, Joe Orton wrote:
> I think this might need to do something more complex, maybe running the 
> PROPFIND in a subrequest properly and capturing (buffering) the output 
> in a custom filter, rather than using the mod_dav internal API directly. 
> Have you tried using ap_sub_req_method_uri()? Not sure this has been 
> tried before with mod_dav so might well be something I'm missing.

I can try that, but whatever the method is, we need to produce the
propfind data before sending its size.

I see two unsatisfying alternatives:

1) produce propfind data in a buffer, output the size, then the buffer

2) produce propfind data, discarding it as it comes but coutning its size, 
then output the size, and produce the propfind data a second time.

First approach wastes memory, second approach wastes CPU. And second approach
needs a mechanism to ensure propfind data does not change between the two
times it is produced. I am not sure that can be guaranteed.

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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