I am getting some pytest failures when checking for assets (leading "/" missing):

=================================== FAILURES =================================== __________________________ TestAssets.test_h2_006_03 ___________________________

self = <http2.test_006_assets.TestAssets object at 0x7fe70af578e0>
env = <http2.env.H2TestEnv object at 0x7fe70ac94be0>

    def test_h2_006_03(self, env):
        # create the tiles files we originally had checked in
        exp_assets = [
            {"status": 200, "size": "10K", "path": "/004.html"},
            {"status": 200, "size": "742", "path": "/004/gophertiles.jpg"},
        for i in range(2, 181):
with open(f"{env.server_docs_dir}/test1/004/gophertiles_{i:03d}.jpg", "w") as fd:
{"status": 200, "size": "11", "path": f"/004/gophertiles_{i:03d}.jpg"},

        url = env.mkurl("https", "test1", "/004.html")
        r = env.nghttp().assets(url, options=["-Haccept-encoding: none"])
        assert 0 == r.exit_code
        assert 181 == len(r.assets)
>       assert r.assets == exp_assets
E AssertionError: assert [{'path': '/0...s': 200}, ...] == [{'path': '/0...s': 200}, ...] E At index 1 diff: {'path': '004/gophertiles.jpg', 'status': 200, 'size': '742'} != {'status': 200, 'size': '742', 'path': '/004/gophertiles.jpg'}
E         Full diff:
E           [
E            {'path': '/004.html', 'size': '10K', 'status': 200},
E         -  {'path': '/004/gophertiles.jpg', 'size': '742', 'status': 200},
E         ?            -
E + {'path': '004/gophertiles.jpg', 'size': '742', 'status': 200},...
E         ...Full output truncated (539 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

modules/http2/test_006_assets.py:52: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- execute: nghttp --header=host: test1.tests.httpd.apache.org:5001 -Haccept-encoding: none -ans __________________________ TestAssets.test_h2_006_04 ___________________________

self = <http2.test_006_assets.TestAssets object at 0x7fe70af54d90>
env = <http2.env.H2TestEnv object at 0x7fe70ac94be0>

    def test_h2_006_04(self, env):
        url = env.mkurl("https", "test1", "/006.html")
        r = env.nghttp().assets(url, options=["-Haccept-encoding: none"])
        assert 0 == r.exit_code
        assert 3 == len(r.assets)
>       assert r.assets == [
            {"status": 200, "size": "543", "path": "/006.html"},
            {"status": 200, "size": "216", "path": "/006/006.css"},
            {"status": 200, "size": "839", "path": "/006/006.js"}
E AssertionError: assert [{'path': '/0...status': 200}] == [{'path': '/0...status': 200}] E At index 1 diff: {'path': '006/006.css', 'status': 200, 'size': '216'} != {'status': 200, 'size': '216', 'path': '/006/006.css'}
E         Full diff:
E           [
E            {'path': '/006.html', 'size': '543', 'status': 200},
E         -  {'path': '/006/006.css', 'size': '216', 'status': 200},
E         ?            -
E         +  {'path': '006/006.css', 'size': '216', 'status': 200},...
E         ...Full output truncated (5 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

modules/http2/test_006_assets.py:60: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- execute: nghttp --header=host: test1.tests.httpd.apache.org:5001 -Haccept-encoding: none -ans __________________________ TestAssets.test_h2_006_05 ___________________________

self = <http2.test_006_assets.TestAssets object at 0x7fe70af54be0>
env = <http2.env.H2TestEnv object at 0x7fe70ac94be0>

    def test_h2_006_05(self, env):
        url = env.mkurl("https", "test1", "/003.html")
r = env.nghttp().assets(url, options=["--window-bits=24", "-Haccept-encoding: none"])
        assert 0 == r.exit_code
        assert 2 == len(r.assets)
>       assert r.assets == [
            {"status": 200, "size": "316", "path": "/003.html"},
            {"status": 200, "size": "88K", "path": "/003/003_img.jpg"}
E AssertionError: assert [{'path': '/0...status': 200}] == [{'path': '/0...status': 200}] E At index 1 diff: {'path': '003/003_img.jpg', 'status': 200, 'size': '88K'} != {'status': 200, 'size': '88K', 'path': '/003/003_img.jpg'}
E         Full diff:
E           [
E            {'path': '/003.html', 'size': '316', 'status': 200},
E         -  {'path': '/003/003_img.jpg', 'size': '88K', 'status': 200},
E         ?            -
E         +  {'path': '003/003_img.jpg', 'size': '88K', 'status': 200},...
E         ...Full output truncated (2 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

modules/http2/test_006_assets.py:72: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- execute: nghttp --header=host: test1.tests.httpd.apache.org:5001 --window-bits=24 -Haccept-encoding: none -ans

These seem to happen consistently.

Currently I don't know, whether it is a problem with the test, or a real problem.

If it isn't reproducible for others, I can try to investigate deeper.

Best Regards,


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