>> For the Spark client, it is true because no matter Spark or Spark
engine, they write as batches, but things are different for pure streaming
engines like Flink, Flink writes per-record, it does not accumulate

Yes, what I mean about the "batch" is not about the behavior or mechanism
of the write operation, but for a transaction that involves processing a
batch of data.

Anyway, IMO, we both understand each other.

>> So I suggest:
1. The new operation supports writing as per-record but not batches.
2. The new operation should expose plugins like indexing/partitioning out
so that the engine can control it freely.
3. The new operation should expose the write handle (or file handle), so
the engine can roll over when it is necessary.

Since you mentioned the behavior of write operations, yes, we can provide a
better design to make the two write operations based on different computing
engines work well.

My original intention to draw this discussion is that I think the current
client implementation is a bit too "bloated". But as I said, when we think
about these in-depth, we will find that we need to focus on many details.
Perhaps in the process, we can also consider refactoring some core
components (as you mentioned).


Danny Chan <danny0...@apache.org> 于2021年1月20日周三 上午10:25写道:

> > It contains three components:
>    - Two objects: a table, a batch of records;
> For the Spark client, it is true because no matter Spark or Spark streaming
> engine, they write as batches, but things are different for pure streaming
> engines like Flink, Flink writes per-record, it does not accumulate
> buffers.
> The current Spark client encapsulate the logic like *index* and
> bucketing/partitioning strategies into it also, both are heavy resource
> consuming operation;
> it may be easy work for Spark because with a SparkEngineContext there, the
> pipeline can fire a new sub-pipeline work as they wish. Things are
> different for Flink too, the Flink engine can not fire sub-pipeline, all
> the pipelines are solid into one and once it fires, it runs there forever.
> The client also encapsulates the file rolling over action into it, which is
> hard for Flink to switch on Checkpoints for exactly-once semantics.
> So I suggest:
> 1. The new operation supports writing as per-record but not batches.
> 2. The new operation should expose plugins like indexing/partitioning out
> so that the engine can control it freely.
> 3. The new operation should expose the write handle (or file handle), so
> the engine can roll over when it is necessary.
> vino yang <vinoy...@apache.org> 于2021年1月19日周二 下午5:39写道:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > *I open this thread to discuss if we can separate the attributes and
> > behaviors of HoodieTable, and rethink the abstraction of the client.*
> >
> > Currently, in the hudi-client-common module, there is a HoodieTable
> class,
> > which contains a set of attributes and behaviors. For different engines,
> it
> > has different implementations. The existing classes include:
> >
> >    - HoodieSparkTable;
> >    - HoodieFlinkTable;
> >    - HoodieJavaTable;
> >
> > In addition, for two different table types: COW and MOR, these classes
> are
> > further split. For example, HoodieSparkTable is split into:
> >
> >    - HoodieSparkCopyOnWriteTable;
> >    - HoodieSparkMergeOnReadTable;
> >
> > HoodieSparkTable degenerates into a factory to initialize these classes.
> >
> > This model looks clear but brings some problems.
> >
> > First of all, HoodieTable is a mixture of attributes and behaviors. The
> > attributes are independent of the engines, but the behavior varies
> > depending on the engine. Semantically speaking, HoodieTable should belong
> > to hudi-common, and should not only be associated with
> hudi-client-common.
> >
> > Second, the behaviors contained in HoodieTable, such as:
> >
> >    - upsert
> >    - insert
> >    - delete
> >    - insertOverwrite
> >
> > They are similar to the APIs provided by the client, but it is not
> > implemented directly in HoodieTable. Instead, the implementation is
> handed
> > over to a bunch of actions (executors), such as:
> >
> >    - commit
> >    - compact
> >    - clean
> >    - rollback
> >
> > In addition, these actions do not completely contain the implementation
> > logic. Part of their logic is separated into some Helper classes under
> the
> > same package, such as:
> >
> >    - SparkWriteHelper
> >    - SparkMergeHelper
> >    - SparkDeleteHelper
> >
> > To sum up, for abstraction, the implementation is moved backward layer by
> > layer (mainly completed by the executor + helper classes), which makes
> each
> > client need a lot of classes with similar patterns to implement the basic
> > API, and the class expansion is very serious.
> >
> > Let us reorganize it:
> >
> > What a write client does is to insert or upsert a batch of records to a
> > table with transaction semantics, and provide some additional operations
> to
> > the table. It contains three components:
> >
> >    - Two objects: a table, a batch of records;
> >    - One type of operation: insert or upsert (focus on records)
> >    - One type of additional operation: compact / clean (focus on the
> table
> >    itself)
> >
> > Therefore, the following improvements are proposed here:
> >
> >    - The table object does not contain behavior, the table should be
> public
> >    and engine independent;
> >    - Classify and abstract the operation behavior:
> >       - TableInsertOperation(interface)
> >       - TableUpsertOperation(interface)
> >       - TableTransactionOperation
> >       - TableManageOperation(compact/clean…)
> >
> > This kind of abstraction is more intuitive and focused so that there is
> > only one point of materialization. For example, the Spark engine for
> insert
> > operation will hatch the following specific implementation classes:
> >
> >    - CoWTableSparkInsertOperation;
> >    - MoRTableSparkInsertOperation;
> >
> > Of course, we can provide a factory class named
> TableSparkInsertOperation,
> > which is optional.
> >
> > Based on the new abstraction, a new engine only needs to reimplement the
> > interfaces of the above behaviors, and then provide a new client to
> > instantiate them.
> >
> > In order to focus here, I deliberately ignored an important object: the
> > index. The index should also be in the hudi-common module, and its
> > implementation may be engine-related, providing acceleration capabilities
> > for writing and querying at the same time.
> >
> > The above is just a preliminary idea, there are still many details that
> > have not been considered. I hope to hear your thoughts on this.
> >
> > Any opinions and thoughts are appreciated and welcome.
> >
> > Best,
> > Vino
> >

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