Hello all, I use iBATIS to access ORACLE, MS SQL and other databases (with the same SQL maps).
To access ORACLE databases I have following connection URL: Connection URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@cm_ora_test:1521:webtest "webtest" indicates the SID of the ORACLE database. The problem is that under "webtest" more than one databases could managed. So for each db query I must put the database name in front of the table name such like this: "select * from VIBSCANNER.T_ALARM_BAND ..." (VIBSCANNER is the database name). For MS Access, MY SQL, ... I couldn't take the same SQL maps and that is not nice. Can you tell me, how I could resolve this problem, e.g. indicate also a scheme in the connection URL (jdbc:oracle:thin:@cm_ora_test:1521:webtest)? Regards Manuel