I've been playing a bit with Michael Fagan's patch for supporting ResultMaps using Oracle ref cursors. Sometimes I'm also a bit fond of pushing as much functionality as possible in Oracle procedures and only exposing a ref cursor to the (C) applications.

The patch works but having ORACLECURSOR in the iBATIS code puts me a bit off. So I made some small cosmetic changes... what about the following:

- Michael Fagan's patch (now already to be redone because of other changes in 2.1.7)
- With following changes:
   # Adding javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" to the parameterMap
   <parameterMap id="single-rs" class="map" >
<parameter property="in1" jdbcType="int" javaType="java.lang.Integer" mode="IN"/> <parameter property="output1" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" mode="OUT"/> </parameterMap>

# doing the ResultSet extraction as follows (hardcoding ResultSet instead of ORACLECURSOR).
   if (mapping.isOutputAllowed()) {
if ( "java.sql.ResultSet".equalsIgnoreCase(mapping.getJavaTypeName()) ) {
             ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject( i + 1 );

# In the TypeHandlerFactory a shortcut "cursor" could be made for java.sql.ResultSet

The above change would not put something "Oracle only" in iBATIS source code, it would make the SQLMap still dependent on Oracle because of ORACLECURSOR but I don't see this as a big problem (as soon as you use SQL dialect in the SqlMaps you're also dependent upon a database). As long as an other database supports a type for "cursor" it can use the implementation above. Or is there something I'm missing, which could come back to haunt us?

People using the current patch should then only add "javaType="java.sql.ResultSet"" to their maps.

Sven Boden

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