I work with Andrew, and want to give my support to his idea, but again, we 
are just tossing around ideas here, to see if they stick.  If you will 
indulge me a long-ish email, I want to explain how we came to think of the 
iBatis approach as applicable to more than just JDBC.  If you're in a 
hurry, just jump down to the section marked with, "***key point***"

We work for the web team of a health insurance company (Health Net) and 
our team supports 3 web apps/sites.  These sites are effectively the 
public user interface of the company.  We expose data and transactions 
from many internal systems to the outside world.  This means that our app 
(which is pure J2EE) does a lot of integration with other systems.  We 
integrate with dozens of other systems, some of which are JDBC and some of 
which are not.

Our application is organized on a 3-tier architecture, where we maintain a 
separation between UI code, business logic code and data access code. 
Since we do so much integration, we consider "data access" code to be 
pretty much any interface with another system.  Whether we access another 
system via JDBC or SOAP, it's just a data store from the perspective of 
our application.  And we use the DAO pattern for any access to a data 
store, regardless of the access mechanism.

The problem with DAO code is that it is 95% redundant regardless of the 
API used to query the data store.  For example if you're using JDBC, then 
the code for getting the connection, preparing the statement, binding the 
parameters, executing the statement, iterating the result set, retrieving 
data from the result set, handling errors, dealing with transactions and 
closing the connection is all the same for every DAO method.  The only 
thing that changes is which statement you prepare, which parameters you 
bind and what you do with the results.  Of course this is why iBatis is so 
great, because it deals with the 95% and allows us to only deal with the 
5% of details which change from DAO method to DAO method.  And iBatis adds 
no new complexity like what you get with an OR mapper.  So in short we 
love iBatis and are using it as our newly adopted standard mechanism for 
implementing JDBC DAOs.

Now that we have been using iBatis for a while, we look at our DAO code 
for other types of data stores and see that it is also 95% redundant, and 
the redundancy is very similar.

Let me give an abstract explanation of how we think of iBatis that will 
show how it might be applicable to other data stores.  For any query or 
update, iBatis does the following steps.
1. Map input data from the application domain into a structured query 
appropriate for the data store domain
2. Connect to the data store
3. Submit the structured query to the data store
4. Receive the results from the data store in some structure that is 
specific to the data store
5. Map the result data from a structure specific to the data store to a 
structure appropriate for the application domain
6. Close the connection to the data store

I know I've generalized a lot and left some stuff out, but hopefully this 
conveys the idea.  When described abstractly like this, it's clear that 
most any other data store or integration code will go through the same 
steps.  Also, all the steps are highly redundant for any data store and 
for any query or update, with the exception of 1 and 5 which are specific 
to the particular use case being implemented (in other words the mapping 
differs from case to case but little else).

So we view iBatis as providing a good pattern to use for any data store, 
or integration code.  I think LDAP is the most obviously similar, because 
it is conceptually a data store (though obviously not an RDB), and like 
JDBC it uses a standardized, text based, structured query format. 
Implementing an iBatis-like pattern for LDAP should be easy and would be 
able to use much of the iBatis framework and configuration code.  However, 
we are even more ambitious than this and would like to implement the 
iBatis pattern for all our data persistence and integration code.

***key point***
Our idea is not to clutter up the iBatis project with a lot of code for 
other data stores and integration protocols, quite the opposite in fact. 
What we would like to do is extract the pattern of iBatis into a 
protocol-neutral, generic framework, and extract the existing SQL 
implementation into an extension of the framework.  The code we want to 
contribute back to iBatis is just the abstraction, not necessarily 
implementations for LDAP, Soap or Tibco.  I think it is a given that SQL 
will always be the most widely used application of the framework, but I 
also think that there are only a few small steps needed to abstract and 
isolate the framework from the SQL implementation.  This would allow for 
other extensions supporting other stores and protocols to be written and 
maintained as contrib code or related projects.  The benefit would be a 
quality, stable core framework that includes the basic pattern, plus a 
standardized configuration mechanism and some of the core mapping code, 
but the core framework in iBatis would not be JDBC-specific.  The JDBC 
code would become the de-facto extension to the framework, and always 
bundled with it.

You are absolutely right that we can fork the code or just simply use the 
pattern to solve our specific integration needs in a similar way, but we 
have a couple of reasons for wishing the iBatis project would adopt this 
1. We like iBatis, the existing code, and the existing configuration 
mechanism and would like to be able to build on it, but the only technical 
thing preventing us from doing so is the lack of generic base classes and 
other abstractions that would allow us to build non-JDBC extensions.
2. Why fork when there is a potentially significant amount of framework 
code that could be shared across multiple protocol-specific persistence 
implementations (in other words why fork when much of the code could 
reasonably be common between a JDBC, LDAP, Soap, etc. etc. implementation)
3. We feel like the changes we are suggesting are not really that large.
4. We feel like the changes would be a reasonable evolution of the iBatis 
code base

Sound convincing?  Is there any room in the project for separating the 
framework code from the JDBC code?  Isn't this a reasonable evolution to 
the code base?

I know this is an idea coming out of nowhere, so I hope that we have at 
least been clear in communicating the motivation for the idea.  I hope we 
are convincing, but if we are not able to sell the idea, we will at least 
be using the iBatis pattern for our internal efforts.  Of course if we 
were to attempt this refactoring and contribute the code, we know that it 
would need to be reviewed and accepted by the team.  Our reason for 
bringing this up now is two-fold.  First we would like to see if we can 
sell anyone on the idea.  And second we would like to see if anyone raises 
any serious objections to our approach which we may have overlooked.

Thanks for reading :)

...Matt Cleveland
...Web Architect
...Health Net Inc

* There's no place like

"Clinton Begin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/02/2007 04:30 PM
Please respond to


Re: Offer of contribution....any interest?

I would appreciate the work, and as a team member I'd be honored that you 
would think to put this under the iBATIS umbrella. 

However, I think it's such a diversion from the central purpose of iBATIS 
that it would threaten to blur what iBATIS is. 

I would rather see it as a fork.  Forks aren't bad when they're doing 
something completely different.  They're only bad when they do exactly the 
same thing so as to confuse the meaning of the framework. 

A LDAP or TIBCO data mapping framework would clearly be differentiated 
from a JDBC framework. 

Just my initial thoughts...



The team I work on is currently using iBatis for Java for all of our JDBC
data access with great results, and having found the benefits of it, we 
now working towards a data access solution that has a slightly larger 
than iBatis, but wit the same benefits and general philosophy. 
we need to retrieve data not only from JDBC sources, but also from other
sources such as TIBCO and , LDAP. We are looking to have the same ease of 
use and power of iBatis with these sources, and will be doing all of the
development and testing to accomplish this.

What we really do not want to do however is try to fork the project. so we
are faced with either building functionality similar to iBatis for the 
other sources, our strong preference extending iBatis to handle these
sources. For reviewing the source code, the primary  outward change would
be to create additional parallel methods using a more abstract iBatis 
specific class or interface in place of Connection and SQLException.
Obviously the internal changes would need to be more involved.

Were this development completed and offered as a contribution, what is the
current feeling on how well it would be received?

Many thanks  in advanced.....

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