I've created an MSI package to install DataMapper for .Net 2.0 into the GAC
for internal use at work, and I decided that since I was already doing the
work, I might as well see if anyone wanted to put the package up on the site
for distribution.
I packaged up Castle.DynamicProxy, IBatisNet.Common, and
IBatisNet.DataMapper, which go into the GAC, as well as the license files,
the sample providers and config files, and the xsd files, all of which go
into the Program Files folder.  I also put shortcuts into the Start Menu.

I added a License Agreement screen to the setup project, which requires an
RTF document.  I wanted to do 1 screen for the iBatis license and 1 for the
Castle license, but VStudio is only letting me add 1 license screen.
 Therefore, I left the existing licenses intact and copied their entire
texts into an RTF file which I also included in the MSI and referenced in
the License screen.  I'm not sure if the way I organized the licenses in the
file will make the lawyers happy, so I wanted to get some input before I
sent it out.

Is there anyone who could take a look at what I've done and see what needs
to be changed to make this work?  Let me know and I'll email it directly to
whoever is interested.


Chris Weisel

p.s. I'm also working on Item Templates and a Project Template for VS 2k5 to
lower the barrier to entry for iBatis.  I'll have to double check with my
boss, but there should be no problem contributing those items to the
project, either.

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