Here's a quick summary that we could add to the docs, and maybe offer a
simpler config for...

LOCAL_READ_WRITE (serializable=false, readOnly=false)
SHARED_READ_ONLY (serializable=false, readOnly=true)
SHARED_READ_WRITE (serializable=true, readOnly=false)

Sorry for the dip-switch like interface... remember those?  :-)


On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (read-only=false does not cache).
> So serialize="true" works, but not all the time. I spent a few hours and
> could not find a pattern of when/why it works sometimes and sometimes not.
> The code patch works 100% of time for those that want that effect.
> I propose that in addition to docs, the code also be changed so that it can
> be set via some property so it works reliably. If people think about it an
> like that kind of a design I could work more to make it easier to apply the
> potential patch.
> btw, the way I test is by turning sql logging in mysql to on.
> .V
> Larry Meadors wrote:
>> Make the cache read-only and serializable, and it will be container wide.
>>> Before:
>>> protected ThreadLocal localSqlMapSession = new ThreadLocal();
>>> After:
>>> protected static ThreadLocal localSqlMapSession = new ThreadLocal();
>>> in SqlMapClientImpl

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